Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Oh the memories . . . .

Oh the memories . . . .

When our daughter blogged about entering the teen years with our thirteen your old grandson a flood of memories returned. Memories that have been hidden and repressed for over 50 years. (See her blog at: http://inthedetails-gabeanddave.blogspot.com/2010/07/what-is-mom-to-do.html)

Too often everyone thinks that puberty is only difficult for the female gender – not at all true. Boys struggle with identity issues, body issues, inferiority issues, and acceptance issues as much as girls do. I remember going to a YMCA camp one summer and having an awful time because I didn't feel as though I fit in or was accepted. I was not as physically mature as many of the other boys, I was much more naive than the other boys, I was overweight (I preferred the term "husky"), and none of my friends were there. I felt isolated and alone. It was a long week and I was very happy to return to the safety and love of our home. I refused to ever attend that camp again.

Then there was the time, at about the age of thirteen, when I had an emotional breakdown at home and could not stop crying. My parents could not consol me nor could some very dear friends of theirs console me. I could not communicate why I was crying because I had no reason why I was crying but it was real and unsettling for me. As those of you who know me understand, even today crying is still an issue. Talk about an identity crisis – "real men don't cry"!

Peer pressure as a teen was huge for me. I struggled with my identity well into my adult years. Unfortunately, I fear that peer pressure for my grandchildren is much more difficult than it was for me. While alcohol was a problem in my teen years, drugs were rare, teen pregnancy was rare, physical abuse was rare, sexual abuse was not talked about, and respect for those in authority was required. In those days if you got into trouble at school your parents would back up the school official and you were in trouble at home as well.

I cannot protect my grandchildren from the sins and corruption of the world they have inherited from my generation, but I can and do pray for my grandchildren regularly asking God to give them the grace to be His people not only through their teen years but throughout their entire lives here on earth. I am very thankful that all of my grandchildren are being raised by God fearing, Jesus loving parents who also pray for them and desire God's best for each of them. What a blessing and what an advantage that my grandkids have over so many others.

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