Monday, June 14, 2010

The Blame Game

Since Adam and Eve mankind has had relationship issues with one another usually ending in finger pointing and blaming the other person for the issue. Case in point, in Genesis 3:11-13 after God gave specific limitations on what Adam and Eve could eat in the garden of Eden, they disobeyed and the following exchange (or something sort of like this) took place as they were confronted by their Maker:
God: "Ok, I smell forbidden fruit juice on your breath, what's going on here?"
Adam: " Ah . . . . golly Lord, I, ah . . . . oh ya, it wasn't me it was her, you know,
that female person that You gave me . . . she did it!"
Eve: "Hey, wait a minute here! Don't blame me, I couldn't haelp it . . . it was that
creepy snake who made me do it. I hate snakes!"
And so it started, from the first human relationship up to this very day, the blame game and finger pointing is mankind's escape of choice from taking any personal responsibility. If we can effectively shift the blame onto someone else, we protect our "innocence" and keep from having to face any consequences. Well, guess what? The only thing that's accomplished by this type of behavior are broken relationships and shattered lives.
Somewhere during my trek through this world I learned an important lesson and with it an important prayer. The lesson -- it is not about me! The prayer -- asking God to change our focus and allowing Himto make us what He wants us to be! The prayer works in any relationship: employee/employer; parent/child; brother/sister; friend/friend; and most importantly in a husband/wife relationship. If you use this prayer and allow God to use it in you, your relationship issues will no longer be a problem because you will no longer be focusing on the wrong issue.
Ready? The prayer is in two parts. Here is the first part of the prayer which is not, as I said, original with me, but I can attest to its effectiveness.

"Heavenly Father, make me what You want me to be;
not what I want to be,
not what I think You want me to be
and not what I think my wife
(husband/employer/child/parent/ friend/etc.)
wants me to be.
Make me completely and totally what You want me to be."

The second part of the prayer is equally as important.

"Heavenly Father, make my wife
what You want them to be;
not what I think they ought to be,
not what I think You want them to be
and not what they think You want them to be.
Make them completely and totally what You want them to be."

This prayer changes everything. No longer are we trying to blame others for our relationship problems, instead we are asking our Heavenly Father to show us where He wants to change and mold us so that the relationship will be on solid footing! Can you imagine what would happen in the church of Jesus Christ and it's witness to the world if we all took this seriously and really allowed God to make us what He wants us to be? Talk about showing the world the love of Christ in action! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you ready to quit the blame game?
Are you ready to allow God to change YOU?
Are you ready to see God work?

Let's pray . . . .

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