Saturday, June 26, 2010

It's Time . . . .

It is time for a new body. This vessel that I call home has too many miles, dents, broken parts, and no warranty left. It is time to trade it in on a new model, one that is free from heart issues, back issues, pulled hamstring muscles, arthritis in places that should not have such a thing, hair where it should be, no hair where it is not needed, eyes that see, a digestive system that works, and a mind that can remember what happened two minutes ago.

My new body is already picked out and waiting for me. Jesus has designed and created it perfectly. He is just waiting until I complete the journey that I am currently on before He delivers it to me. I can't imagine what it will be like when, as recorded in John's first epistle, I will have a perfect glorified body just like my Lord. John says it this way: ". . . .we know that when He appears, we will be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is." (1 John 3:2) That means we will be like Him in every way. Our bodies will be glorified -- no more pain/sickness/physical suffering; no more sin nature with its spiritual struggles (Talk about the ultimate weight loss program!); no more emotional and mental stress, no more limitations by time and space! WOW, how exciting is that!

Yep, I am definitely looking forward to that new body. In the meantime, until the wheel totally fall off of my current ride, I am pressing on in the journey set before me knowing that He is the Master Mechanic and He will keep this old vessel going as long as He has work for me to do this side of glory. PTL!


  1. at least some of us would like to keep the old body around a little longer. . .

  2. I second Gabe's motion! Just today I was thinking of how beat up my body is after 41 years, 7 pregnancies, 6 surgeries, 3 kids and a couple of broken bones. It's a good reminder of Paul's words that our earthen vessels are wasting away.

    love you!
