Thursday, May 13, 2010

Random Thoughts on a Rainy Day

Had a mourning dove outside my window that reminded me a lot of me. Kind of a funny, halting gate as he walked, couldn't seem to concentrate on anything in particular, and flew away in a panic stricken frenzy when disturbed.

I learned an important lesson yesterday, a finger is no match for an air powered nail gun. I think I understood the principle before but now I understand it experientally.

When God blesses you with something really exceptional, don't try to improve on it. Better to enjoy it and thank Him for His great provision. My "improvments" make a mess of things.

As I watch theleaders in our government spend our country into oblivion, I am thankful that I know the One who holds all things in His hands and look forward with great anticipation to the day when He establishes His rule.

Children and grand children are a true blessing from the Lord and He has blessed me abundantly more than I could have expected!

As we approach 44 years of marriage, I am continually amazed that my dear wife has endured me all these years. What a wonderful demonstration of love from a godly woman.

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